D.J. Lactose Productions

GO Launcher EX App

This is one of my favorite Android Apps… although I don’t know if I would call it an app.  Android is so extremely fragmented these days that every phone manufacture has a different interface.  Many of those interfaces slow the phone down and frequently lock up the device.

GO Launcher EX is a nice app which will give you a very nice front-end to use on your phone which is fast and elegant.  They are constantly adding new features and rolling out bug fixes which is another reason I like it.

Some of my favorite features are the large number of home screens you can have.  You can also pinch to zoom out of the home screen and see all of your other ones.  Which when you have a few home screens is much smoother then scrolling through them.  You can also hide applications which are in your application tray which is great if you don’t have a rooted phone and you have preinstalled crapware.  Another great feature is the ability to create folders in your application tray so you can group your applications together.  You can even uninstall and rearrange your apps right from the tray by long pressing on them.

One tip I recommend if you do use this app, clear off all of your phones screens before you run this.  I find it helps the phone run even faster and with less overhead.

GO Launcher EX App

GO Launcher EX App on the Android Marketplace

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